- Counter-Strike 1.6 / Zombie Plague [4.3] / Extra items
- 2019-08-14

- Есть натив для выдачи
- Добавляется в Extra-Item
- Есть WeaponList
- Сердечки из первого режима поворачиваются в одну из сторон (можно выключить)

/* ~ [ Extra Item ] ~ */
new const WEAPON_ITEM_NAME[] = "Shining Heart Rod";
const WEAPON_ITEM_COST = 50;
/* ~ [ Weapon Settings ] ~ */
// This macros enable animated sprite of heart in first mode
// At the enabled macro, Sprite will turn
#define ENABLE_ANIMATED_SPRITEtrue // [ true = Enable / false = Disable ]
new const WEAPON_REFERENCE[] = "weapon_m249";
new const WEAPON_WEAPONLIST[] = "x/weapon_magicmg";
new const WEAPON_NATIVE[] = "zp_give_user_magicmg";
new const WEAPON_MODEL_VIEW[] = "models/x/v_magicmg.mdl";
new const WEAPON_MODEL_PLAYER[] = "models/x/p_magicmg.mdl";
new const WEAPON_MODEL_WORLD[] = "models/x/w_magicmg.mdl";
new const WEAPON_SOUND_FIRE[][] =
new const WEAPON_SOUND_READY[] = "weapons/magicmg_alarm.wav";
const WEAPON_SPECIAL_CODE = 14082019;
const WEAPON_BODY = 0;
const WEAPON_HIT_COUNT = 40; // Count of hit for active 2nd mode
const WEAPON_MAX_CLIP = 100;
const Float: WEAPON_RATE = 0.2;
const Float: WEAPON_PUNCHANGLE = 0.834;
new const iWeaponList[] = { 3, 200,-1, -1, 0, 4, 20, 0 };
/* ~ [ Entity: Missile ] ~ */
new const ENTITY_MISSILE_CLASSNAME[] = "ent_magicmg_missile";
const Float: ENTITY_MISSILE_SPEED = 650.0;
const Float: ENTITY_MISSILE_RADIUS = 75.0;
const Float: ENTITY_MISSILE_RADIUS_EX = 125.0;
#define ENTITY_MISSILE_DAMAGErandom_float(50.0, 100.0)
#define ENTITY_MISSILE_DAMAGE_EXrandom_float(1500.0, 2000.0)
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[CS 1.6] Knife - Vfx Kuronami Kunai
no problem, enjoy

[CS 1.6] Knife - Vfx Kuronami Kunai
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this is nicve
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