Мод [ZPL] Zombie Plague Liberty [2.0] для CS 1.6
Представляю вам свою модификацию для CS 1.6 - «Zombie Plague Liberty» на основе «Zombie Plague 4.3». Не прошло и года, а уже выходит новое обновление Liberty 2.0, где было сделано много изменений!

Список изменений:
-Исправление мелких багов и недочётов, которые я обнаружил за неделю "эксплуатации".
-Были добавлены модели игроков с привилегиями: VIP, ADMIN, BOSS. (Информация ниже)
-Было донастроено zombieplague.cfg и убран весь лишний мусор!
-Вывод GAMENAME в lang файл.
-Добавлено меню привилегий (Информация ниже)
-Добавлен вывод ХП выжившего и немезиды (Информация ниже)
-Встроенная покупка привилегий, которая откроет priv.txt с вашей рекламой (Информация ниже)
-Добавлены P, W модели гранат (Информация ниже)
-Добавлены спрайты EXP и GIBS для гранат (Информация ниже)
-"Настроенные флаги" (Информация ниже)

I present to you my modification for CS 1.6 - "Zombie Plague Liberty" based on "Zombie Plague 4.3". Less than a year, and already out a new update Liberty 2.0, where many changes have been made!

List of changes:
- Correction of minor bugs and defects that I found during the week of "operation".
- Models of players with privileges were added: VIP, ADMIN, BOSS. (Information below)
- Zombieplague was set up.cfg and removed all unnecessary garbage!
- Output GAMENAME to lang file.
- Added privileges menu (Information below)
-Added HP of survivors and Nemesis (Information below)
-In-app purchase privileges, which will open the priv.txt with your advertisement (Information below)
- Added P, W models of grenades (Information below)
- Added sprites EXP and GIBS for grenades (Info below)
-"Custom flags" (see the details below)


BuB9neC: Если будут замечены какие-то баги или же ошибки, можете сообщать их мне в vk.com/gadd2014

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Посетители, находящиеся в группе Guests, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.
Foundation for your build

ReHLDS (Reverse-engineered) - this is a new step forward that gives a second wind to our servers. ReHLDS works 2 times faster than HLDS.

AmxModx 1.8.3

AMXModX is a Metamod add-on that allows you to create new modifications for Half-Life in the Pawn language

Reunion 0.1.92

Reunion is a continuation of Dproto for ReHLDS. This is a metamod plugin that allows you to log into the 47/48 Non-Steam server.


Revoice is a Metamod plugin that allows voice chat between non-steam and steam clients.


The new Metamod-r contains a huge number of performance optimizations and much cleaner code. The kernel was written using a JIT compiler.

Ultimate Unprecacher 1.1

Ultimate Unprecacher is a plugin for MetaMod, it works on the principle of disabling unnecessary resources on your server, thereby you can free up space for resources for your plugins, using this module you can get rid of error 512!

ReAuthCheck 0.1.6

ReAuthCheck - this is a Metamod plugin that checks your players for validity, with this module for REHLDS you can protect your server from bots that constantly spam ads or simply clog up a slot on the server!

NetBufExtender (NBEX) 1.0

NetBufExtender or NBEX - This is a metamod plugin that expands the пїЅInternet bufferпїЅ: server and client buffers (not 100% guaranteed). Expands up to 64 kb. This means that players are less likely to be kicked with the error "Reliable channel overflowed"".

UserInfoNetOptimizer (UINO) 1.0

UINO пїЅ metamod plugin that allows you to remove unnecessary fields from userinfo(setinfo) when the engine passes it to other players on the server. This measure reduces the amount of data transferred and slightly reduces the chance of being kicked with "Reliable channel overflowed".


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